DIY: Gold Speckled Eggs

Gold Speckled Eggs are the easiest DIY that make store-worthy home decor! #eastereggs #diyeaster #eggdiy #modernDIY

I love creating and painting my own eggs every year to add to my Easter decorations. You can see the BEAUTIFUL marbled eggs I made last year here.

I did not have a ton of time this year to do any extra crafts (you know, raising the 2 children and all), but I really needed some more eggs to fill a particular bowl that is housing my marbled eggs.

Today, I bring you the EASIEST DIY EGG EVER! Seriously, I should make that the title of this post. It took me 5 minutes and I used mostly things I had around the house.

You can even get your kids involved if you don’t mind a little mess. I do. So I did this why my kids were at school. Just keeping it real….

My inspiration was all the speckled eggs I had been seeing around in all the stores (mainly Target, lets be honest). I had originally thought I would paint or dye these first, but that seemed like more trouble and the white and gold goes better in my house anyway. See below on how to make this incredibly easy craft. Also, you can use really any color you have on hand or whatever color you want to put in your house.

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Supplies for Speckled EggsFaux Eggs / Gold Metallic Paint / Paintbrush


Faux Eggs – I also got some from the dollar section at Target or you can use real hard-boiled eggs
Paint – I used this paint. You can get this from Target.
Paint Brush
Cup of water

STEP 1: Place the eggs on a surface you don’t mind getting paint on. I used some kraft paper.

STEP 2: Dip your paint brush in paint and run your finger over the bristles to speckle the eggs. (You may need to thin in out with a little water to get a good speckle.)

Gold Speckled Eggs are the easiest DIY that make store-worthy home decor! #eastereggs #diyeaster #eggdiy #modernDIY



Gold Speckled Eggs are the easiest DIY that make store-worthy home decor! #eastereggs #diyeaster #eggdiy #modernDIY

Gold Speckled Eggs are the easiest DIY that make store-worthy home decor! #eastereggs #diyeaster #eggdiy #modernDIY



That’s it folks. Seriously.

They are modern and pretty and look great with my marbled eggs and actually could not be easier to do. You can do these quick this week and use to decorate your Easter table!

Check below for more Easter Fun:

Homemade Peeps
Carrot Cake Cupcakes
Tie-Dyed Easter Eggs
Modern Easter Basket Ideas Your Kids Will Love
Grown Up Easter Baskets for 2020

Want more recipes, design tips, DIY and Party planning fun: follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!


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