Feedin' Eden


I work full time outside of the home. I also have a great desire to feed my precious lady good, healthy, made-from-scratch meals the way my mama did. I don’t want her to grow up on frozen dinners and veggie and fruit pouches (past the puree food stage). Now, don’t get me wrong…those frozen pre-made options are a necessity at times and they do have some really good options out there (the green giant broccoli and cauliflower tots are great and Eden loooovvveesss them).  Those pouches are a God-send when we are out and about, too. But I always told myself and my husband that once we had kids we will no longer be eating dinner on the couch while binge watching Pretty Little Liars.

I wanted to start this series of blog posts to try out and share easy recipes for all moms to conquer our days and not spend our time worrying about what we will feed our children, so we can spend that precious time just playing with and loving on our kids. Today, we will talk breakfast.

My child loves bread. Toast, pancakes, muffins, donuts…anything carb-related, she loves. She took after her mama in that way or maybe it’s because that is what I craved when I was pregnant with her, but for whatever reason, she can’t get enough. Also, our mornings are very scheduled and quick so that we can get her up, dressed, fed and both of us out the door to be at work by 7:30 AM. We don’t have any time to fuss over what we will feed her for breakfast. When she first started eating solid foods, we would just give her a banana every morning. She loves them, but I think she started getting tired of them and I needed to break up the monotony. I turned to my favorite baby food source, The Baby Foode, and found this recipe for whole wheat pancakes. I knew you could freeze pancakes, so I thought this would be perfect to spend one night making a bunch of pancakes and freezing them for future breakfasts. That way we can pull them out in the morning while I make my coffee, pop them in the toaster and they are ready to go. Add some kind of berry on the side and we’ve got a good homemade, healthy, breakfast in 5 minutes.

Yall, it can’t get easier than this. See the recipe below:IMG_2824_Fotor

Whisk together all the dry ingredients. This will make your pancake mix. You can store this and make a batch at a time. Or a couple batches at a time and freeze. I made 3 batches and got 7-8 pancakes each. That means I put up about 24 pancakes in the freezer. That’s almost a months worth of breakfasts in about 20 minutes. IMG_2826

To make the pancake batter, take 1 cup of the pancake mix made above and stir in:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup milk ( i used almond, but you can use whatever you have on hand)
  • 1 tablespoon oil (any kind, i used canola)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

You don’t want to beat this into submission. Pancake batter is best when it is still a bit lumpy.IMG_2827Heat a griddle or pan. I sprayed mine with some cooking spray. Start dropping that batter and make these delicious pancakes.IMG_2828IMG_2831IMG_2833IMG_2834Now, to freeze these, I usually let them cool completely, then cut small squares of wax paper to place in between. I then wrap them in saran wrap, then foil (gotta get that double protection), then place them in a zip lock bag to freeze.IMG_2967IMG_2966IMG_2965

I usually take them out of the freezer about 30 minutes before feeding her to let it defrost a bit. I then pop them in the toaster and they are like new!

Whole Wheat Pancakes

Adapted from www.babyfoode.com
Pancake Mix
3 cups white whole wheat flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup ground flax seeds
1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon sea salt

For 1 batch pancakes
1 cup whole wheat pancake mix
1 egg
1 cup milk (any kind)
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon vanilla

1. In a large bowl, whisk together all of the dry ingredients. You can store this an airtight container and make a few batches at a time.
2. To make a batch of pancakes, preheat a griddle or pan and spray with a little cooking spray.
3. Stir together the pancake mix, egg, milk, oil and vanilla together until just combined (you want it to still be a little bit lumpy)
4. Take a bout 1/4 cup of batter and drop onto skillet. Wait until batter starts to show little bubbles and then flip. The whole process takes about 5-8 minutes.

note* To freeze: I put wax paper in between 2 pancakes and wrap in saran wrap. I then cover that in foil (double protection) and place into a ziplock bag. I usually take it out of the freezer for about 30 minutes to defrost a bit and then pop into the toaster and its like new!




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Marley Spoon


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