It’s Day 3 of my Christmas series!! Today, I am taking a break from baking and showing you how to make some beautiful ornaments. If you follow my blog, you know I am slightly obsessed with all things marbled. You can see my Marbled Easter Eggs here and My Marbled Pumpkin here. I mentioned back in the fall, I wanted to try this technique on some ornaments and they turned out BEAUTIFULLLL. They fit is so nicely with my black/white/gold/silver modern Christmas tree. See below on how you can make these. Side note: You can do ANNYY color you want, just pick up any nail polish color you want.
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nail polish of any color – I got mine at Target
plastic or glass container
solid ornaments – Since I wanted a black and white look, i bought solid white ones at Target – buy similar here
toothpick or wooden stick

STEP 1: Fill a container with room temperature water. You don’t want this too cold or the nail polish will clump.
STEP 2: Pour a couple of drops of your nail polish.

STEP 3: Swirl with a toopick or wooden stick.

STEP 4: Dunk your ornament and swirl around in the water and pull out.

STEP 5: Place on some wax paper or parchment to dry.
REPEAT steps for each ornament.

Tell me what colors you are going to use below???