Let’s talk wallpaper. I am currently in the thick of designing our home so I’ve been doing research on ALL the things which brings me to one of my favorite ways to add character to your home…WALLPAPER! I heart wallpaper. It’s such a great way to add something special to so many places in your home and I am here today to show you where to get it. This is literally one of the questions I get asked the most as a designer….where can I get wallpaper. I have composed a great list of online shops to find some of the best options for wallpaper out there, along with some of my favorite options for each shop!

See Below for THE 11 Best Places to Buy Wallpaper online in 2022!
Affiliate links are used in my post. What does that mean? If you purchase through my link I will receive a small commission and it doesn’t change the price for you at all! However, I only ever recommend products/services that I absolutely LOVE and use myself or would use myself! If you choose to support me through purchasing through my links, it allows me to continue to bring you info that you enjoy and hopefully use. So I thank you for any and all support.
1. Target
Target is a great source for ALL kinds of affordable home goods, which includes wallpaper! They have some great options that wont break the bank.

Shop Target Wallpaper Here:
2. Hygge & West
Hygge & West is one my favorite wallpaper sources. They are a boutique shop with a smaller selection, but every design is so cute and sweet. I had a few of their papers in my previous home and loved them!

3. Decorator’s Best
Decorator’s Best is one of the best online shops to find designer wallpaper at discounted prices. If I want a Schumacher or Kravet, this is where I look. Great prices for these higher end brands.

Shop Decorator’s Best Here:
4. Anthropologie
This isn’t just a place to get a favorite sweater or dress, their home store is everything! I love all of it and includes their wallpaper options. They are pretty and special and everything you would expect from this store.

Shop Anthropologie Here:
5. Spoonflower
Spoonflower is unique in that is the premier “print on demand” source for wallpapers and fabrics. You can actually upload your own designs or pick from many of the independent artists who have contributed to their 1000’s of options.

Shop Spoonflower Here:
6. Urban Outfitters
Here is an unexpected place to buy wallpaper, but if you are looking for something fun and quirky, this is the place. Much like their hipster wardrobe they sell, this is the place to find something a little different and unique.

Shop Urban Outfitters Here:
7. West Elm
One of our favorite stores for modern simple furniture does the same thing for us when we want modern and simple wallpaper.

Shop West Elm Here:
8. Lula & Georgia
Lula & Georgia has beautiful curated collection of all home goods and that doesn’t stop with wallpaper. This will be more expensive and on the higher end side, but if you are looking for something really special, this is the place to look.

Shop Lulu & Georgia Here:
9. Graham & Brown
Graham and Brown is where to find your moody, dark and bold wallpapers for a really dramatic effect.

10. Crate & Barrel / CB2
Crate & Barrel, along with it’s slightly cooler cousin, CB2, is a great source of basic, transitional and cool wallpaper for an elevated look.

Shop Crate & Barrel / CB2 Here:
11. Amazon
Last, but not least, we have good ol’ Amazon. If you are on a budget, this is the place to look for graphic and simple removable wallpapers. They really have some great options to add some unique looks to your home and it won’t break the bank!