12 Days of Christmas Christmas DIY

DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments

DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments that will look so pretty on your tree! #diyornaments #christmasornaments #ornaments #moderndiy #woodenbeadornaments #christmasdiy

12 Days of CHRISTMAS: Day 2!!! Like I said yesterday, there are still a lot of things we can do this year to bring the Holiday fun. It’s time to get your Christmas DIY on with these homemade wooden bead ornaments. Making homemade ornaments has been  one of those things I have loved doing since I was a kid. I used to get so proud to bring home whatever creation I made at school to put front and center on the tree every year. My ornaments have gotten a little more sophisticated as an adult,  but the fun of creating them is still there!

These wooden bead ornaments are so easy and fun to make and they look like you bought them. You can paint them any color you want or you could even leave them as natural wood. You can use leather top or thick string. There are so many options to make these your own. 

See below for step x step instructions (with pictures) on how to create your very own wooden bead ornaments. 

DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments that will look so pretty on your tree! #diyornaments #christmasornaments #ornaments #moderndiy #woodenbeadornaments #christmasdiy

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Supplies for Wooden Bead Ornaments


Wooden Beads
Wooden Beads
String or Ribbon – I used yarn, because I had some in my closet, but  you could use anything that makes a fat enough knot. 
Craft Paint (any color)
Paint Brush


STEP 1: If you plan to paint your beads, use craft paint to paint the beads with your desired color.  I used Black, White & Gold. Allow to dry. 

Painting Wooden Beads

Drying painted wood beads


STEP 2: Cut a piece of yarn/string about 12 inches long. Make a loop on one end and tie a knot. 

Knotted string

STEP 3: Add the smallest bead at the knot. Follow with the medium bead, then the large. Add the second medium bead, than the second small bead. Tie a knot at bottom of the smallest bead. 

Small bead added to string

Knotted end on bead ornament

STEP 4: Hang on your tree and enjoy your handy DIY skills. 

Final wooden Bead Ornament


DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments that will look so pretty on your tree! #diyornaments #christmasornaments #ornaments #moderndiy #woodenbeadornaments #christmasdiy

DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments that will look so pretty on your tree! #diyornaments #christmasornaments #ornaments #moderndiy #woodenbeadornaments #christmasdiy

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DIY: Wooden Bead Ornaments that will look so pretty on your tree! #diyornaments #christmasornaments #ornaments #moderndiy #woodenbeadornaments #christmasdiy


Products I Used:



Don’t feel like making your own ornaments?? Check my post on Modern Christmas Decor Ideas to Spread Holiday Cheer for some great ornaments you can buy. 

Want more recipes, design tips, DIY and Party planning fun: follow me on Pinterest and Instagram and Bloglovin‘. Also for link to all my favorite products, follow my on liketoknow.it app!

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