12 Days of Christmas Christmas DIY

DIY Nutcracker Ornaments

DIY Nutcracker Ornaments put a modern twist on the classic Christmas symbol. #diyornaments #nutcrackerornaments #DIYchristmasornaments #christmasornaments #diy #moderndiy

A nutcracker is one of those Christmas symbols that seem to be really popular this year. I love all the modern versions like you can see here. I love taking those old school decorations and putting a fresh spin on them. 

As I went on an impromptu walk through Hobby Lobby several weeks ago, I came across some craft wooden nutcrackers that were super cute and I knew I could figure out something to do with them. I decided they were the perfect size for ornaments. I put my own modern spin on them by painting black and white and they turned out so cute! 
DIY Nutcracker Ornaments put a modern twist on the classic Christmas symbol. #diyornaments #nutcrackerornaments #DIYchristmasornaments #christmasornaments #diy #moderndiy

See below for how to make your own Nutcracker ornaments.

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Supplies for nutcracker ornaments


Wooden Craft NutcrackersHere or Here
Craft Paint
Super Glue
Paint Brush
Thumb Tack or Needle


STEP 1:  Cut the wire into 2-3 inch pieces.

Wire cut into small pieces

STEP 2: Stick a thumb tack or needle into the top of each nutcracker. Create 2 holes each.

Sticking a needle in top of nutcracker

STEP 3: Bend each piece of wire and put super glue on the tip of each wire end.

Bend wire

Add glue to wire


STEP 4: Stick the wire into the holes created by the thumbtack or needle. 

stick wire into top of Nutcracker

STEP 5: Place a little bit of super glue around the holes to ensure it stays in place.

Wire secured in nutcrackers

STEP 6: Use craft paint to paint nutcrackers. 

Paint nutcrackers with craft paint

STEP 7: Hang on a tree or attach to a gift. 

DIY Nutcracker Ornaments put a modern twist on the classic Christmas symbol. #diyornaments #nutcrackerornaments #DIYchristmasornaments #christmasornaments #diy #moderndiy

DIY Nutcracker Ornaments put a modern twist on the classic Christmas symbol. #diyornaments #nutcrackerornaments #DIYchristmasornaments #christmasornaments #diy #moderndiy

DIY Nutcracker Ornaments put a modern twist on the classic Christmas symbol. #diyornaments #nutcrackerornaments #DIYchristmasornaments #christmasornaments #diy #moderndiy

Products I used:

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